3 Unconventional Truths About The Online Business Market

To save your business.

Today i’m just going to cut right to the chase and get straight to the facts.

I’m sure you’ve been on the internet and understand how crazy all the marketing has gotten and how extreme the guarantees are.

Today, i’ll explain truths about the online marketplace.

There has been changes in the rules of the game.

Things have evolved.

There is a lot of new competition in the market.

There is a lot of new technology in the market.

Traffic prices have gone up.

Conversion rates have gone down.

Here are 3 truth’s you need to account for in the online market place.

Marketing Doesn’t Work

Marketing isn’t what it used to be.

You used to be able to promote anything.

Even if the product wasn’t good, you could still sell it with facebook ads, email broadcasts, etc.

If you knew how to just do copywriting, put together facebook ads and make a landing page then you knew how to make money.

However, times have changed.

This doesn’t work anymore.

You can’t rely on marketing skills and marketing alone to operate a successful business.

The people who are winning are business people.

Business owners.

The people who actually think about the product, the customer support, the delivery and actually giving value to their customers.

There is a lot of competition.

When there is a lot of competition, you need a lot of differentiation.

You need to be able to separate yourself from the crowd.

Competition Is For Losers

In any given market it is a winners take all scenario.

In a market their may 100 people.

1 person will take 99% and the other 99 people will take 1%.

These are the facts and reality about business.

When you realize this, you understand that you can’t afford to have competition.

Especially in todays marketplace when their is so much noise.

Everyone’s claiming to have the best product and the “#1 solution”

It is important you have a way to be different.

You want to be in a position where you are so different that people don’t believe you have any competitors.

They don’t see you in the same class as everyone else.

If you want to survive the current shift, then it is crucial you put yourself in this position.

So how do you “be different”?

As ironic as it is, you actually have to BE different.

You don’t try to look different or talk different.

You don’t try a different marketing funnel, you don’t make your website black and white instead of using color, you don’t call your webinar a masterclass.

You don’t just change the wording.

This isn’t differentiation.

What you need to do is base your differentiation on reality not perception.

Value > Fame

Another mass delusion in the marketplace is that fame is the same as success.

And that if you get famous, you’ll get successful.

Value is not the same as fame.

Success is not the same as fame.

You can’t mistake these things.

It’s not the same thing.

The people that have been focusing on fame have been failing.

The people that have focused on value have woken up.

It used to be that if you are just famous you can sell lots of stuff.

People weren’t aware enough to dig below the surface.

If you focus on fame you have nothing left to give for value.

However, if you forget about fame you have everything to give for value.

As a byproduct of giving value you will inevitably get fame.

A market can remain delusional for a short amount of time. In the short amount of time some people can make profits.

But in due time everyone that is not adding value will be swept away.

Focus on value.

Thats all for this one.

Hope you enjoyed,
