5 Lessons Learned Creating a 7 Figure Company in 2 years

5 lessons in 5 minutes.

A question I get a the time is, “what were some of the big shifts” or “big lessons you’ve learned that enabled you to go from a struggling business to a successful one”

If you don’t know much about me, my name is Toussaint Gilbert.

I started my journey as an entrepreneur when I was 16.

Like many… I couldn’t make my business work for a very long time.

I was the guy in highschool who would skip lunch or sit during study hall just to go upstairs just to send cold emails.


I’m often asked, “was all of the failure necessary to achieve what you have done?”


The truth is that all of the failures I had could have been avoided with access to the right information and that is exactly why I have written this report for you.

1. Only Sell What The Market Wants

This is the biggest one and I have put it first for a reason.

You can’t create desire in the market place.

You can only tap into what already exists.

I spent a lot of time trying to come up with “cool ideas” instead of just focusing on what already actually works.

I realized I had a business model and an offer that was completely outdated.

When I realized this, everything changed for me.

Instead of doing what I saw everyone youtube said would work, I came up with my own game plan.

I figured out what my target audience truly needed to receive in our to spend thousands of dollars up front.

Plain and simple, you can only sell what the market once.

2. Find The Best And Copy Them

When you’re starting out, there is no path to success faster than finding what people who are winning are already doing and replicating it.

For example, Iman Ghadzi was preaching to start a boutique agency, charge $2k per month retainers and you only need a small amount of clients to hit good numbers.

However, when i looked at what all the top guys in the industry were doing (even Iman Ghadzi himself).

I realized it was completely different.

Although they were preaching monthly retainers, they were selling up front set up fees with an occasional back-end performance model.

It was a one time payment to receive what you want.

After that, they make money based on how successful you are with their product.

I thought this was brilliant, but why was no one teaching people how to do this?

Successful people and companies are successful for a reason.

That same reason will work for you too.

3. Learn How To Sell

Whatever you’re doing in life you’re always selling something.

Selling your product to a customer, selling an employee on why they should work for you, selling your partner on where you should go for dinner, etc..

When you start your business things are exciting, you have a lot of ideas and enthusiasm.

However, their comes a time where everybody realized that they actually need to make some money, and the only way to do that is by selling.

I was terrible at selling.

It took me over 100 sales calls to close my first deal.

And the only reason I closed it was because I sold it for FREE. lol

After two years of sales and hanging around some of the best sales people in the industry, here’s what I learned…

First, nobody cares about you, people only care about themselves.

When making a call or doing a presentation don’t talk about yourself or why you want them to do anything.

Phrase everything around the buyer and the dream state they will acheive from using you or your product.

Second, you need to make people feel the pain.

It’s a lot easier to sell somebody pain killers when they’re already in pain compared to when their not.

When selling your product or service make the customer feel the pain of their current situation before presenting how your offer is going to remove it.

Third, present the benefits, not the features. When presenting your case don’t just rattle off features, explain how those features will benefit them.

People don’t buy tinted windows because it cuts 98% of UV light.

People buy it to reduce temperature, ensure privacy, protect furniture, and not burn themselves every time they step in a car

This is by no means all there is to sales, but just doing these things alone will put you ahead of most sales reps.

4. Give First, Take Later

One of the most powerful psychological drivers is reciprocity.

Reciprocity is defined as responding to one positive ac tion with another positive action, when used correctly this changes your life.

With my business I give out free resources and case studies that educate the prospect, give them value, and sell them on my process and results all at the same time.

The free material takes time, and I put in serious effort so that it ACTUALLY adds value to somebodies life before asking for anything in return.

Whatever business you’re in think: “What can I give to my clients that will help them solve their problems or get closer to their dream state”

When trying to influence anybody in life or business always give first, take later.

5. NEVER Stop Investing In Yourself

When Warren Buffet was asked the question: “if you could only hold on to one thing in this life what would it be"?”

Buffets answer to the question was: “knowledge”

Nothing in your business life will ever be as valuable as your knowledge.

Your business might fail, the market might slip into decline, a star employee may leave your ass, but nobody can take away your knowledge.

Even if I lost my business I could build it all back because I have the knowledge.

I know every single detail i need to know to be successful again and a million times over.

People tend to think that they go to school, then college, and then they’re done.

But education never stops.

The moment you stop investing in yourself is the moment you will fall backwards into decline.

There’s only two speeds in this life, moving forward or falling backward; there s no sitting still.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
