The Best Business Model For Beginners In 2023 (In 6 Steps)

Have you ever wondered why some people take years to see success in business while others become profitable instantly?

I have been running my online business for 2 years now since 2021 and didn't achieve ANY financial success until I mastered these 6 steps.

Follow this process and I will guarantee you success in the upcoming months.

... A lot of people want to start a business but they DON'T have the following:

  1. The Right Mindset

  2. The Right Skills

  3. The Right Foundation

You need all these things to generate REAL results for your business.

Most people skip these steps and simply start at step 4: Starting a business.

This is why they often fail or get no results. 

1/ Becoming Valuable 

Are you valuable to the market right now?

Are you able to actually give REAL value to a person/business which will impact them positively?

Ask yourself these questions... If the answer is no, you need to read more books and do more researching online. Simple.

2/ High-Income Skillsets 

Do you have high-income skillsets that you can leverage to star your own business.

The evergreen skills you will always need are: 

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Writing

  • Design

And then combine them with your results orientated skills: 

  • Copywriting

  • Funnel building

  • Short-form-content

  • Social Media Ads

  • Email marketing

  • Sales closing

  • Graphic design

  • Videography

  • Web design

Often in the beginning you will need nearly ALL of these skills especially when starting by yourself since you will be doing EVERYTHING.

Most people have none, this is why they fail.

Now that you have these skills... What's next?

3/ Generating & Converting Attention 

The best way to do this is to know your market well, then communicate your value to your market.

Please remember: INFORMATION IS FREE.


Tell your audience EVERYTHING you know, even if it's your most valuable secret.

You will attract and educate potential customers while also build a loyal following who is interested in your expertise and value.

If you can communicate your value effectively, people will be more likely to purchase from you.

4/ Starting A Business. 

Package ALL of your knowledge into a:

  • Program

  • Product

  • Service

That you can sell.

No matter what business you choose to start you will have a great chance of succeeding now that you can get people's attention AND have the skills to convert them.

5/ Expand Your Skills 

Now that you've started your business you will understand that you need MORE skills to expand on.

However, this is okay because you have a good foundation.

You now are focused on:

  • Generating more value with your offer

  • Finding new/better ways to increase engagement -Networking -Team building

 6/ Implement Labor & Automation 


You can only do so much...

You need to focus on hiring and delegating tasks so you can continue to scale to 20,30,40 and $50k/month!

I promise you, you will NOT be able to do it alone.

You need a team behind you that is following the systems and automations you have built.

Hope you enjoyed this one.
