What To Do When Your Business Fails

It's time to figure out why you've already failed before you started.

If you didn’t know already, money is the only thing that will keep a business alive.

This means the more amount of time you spend working on things like:

- landing page
- logo
- bullshit

The more money you are losing.

Most businesses fail because they don’t focus on the main thing that will make them more money.

1. Marketing
2. Sales

You should spend nearly 100% of your time improving your marketing and sales systems other wise you have a nearly 100% chance of your business failing.

Think about it.

Marketing is getting people who don’t know what you have to offer to know about what you have to offer.

Sales is getting people who know about what you have to offer to buy what your offering.

What other activities in your business will make you more money than these two?

So we know that we need money to keep a business alive.

And we also know sales and marketing are the only two things we need to focus on to make more money.

So why do we spend time doing anything else?

Your best bet is to hire someone to take care of the small tasks you keep doing that waste your time and lose you money and focus on what’s going to actually make your business successful.

What happens when your business begins to fail?

I’ll give you my example of what happened to me when my agency began to fail and show you how to approach it like a true G.

When monthly revenue begins to drop your first instinct is to get emotional and wonder what’s going on.

In reality, you need to think very very objectively when it comes to your business.

When my business began to drop, I got emotional about why we weren’t closing deals.

The truth was we simply weren’t generating enough appointments to get the deal flow I was looking for.

Instead of panicking and throwing a fit more, I looked at more ways I could get more meetings on the calendar.

I took a different approach than the rest of the industry with my marketing angle which caused people to be interested in my ads.

Then my meetings began to soar.

As a cause of my calendar now being booked, more deals came in.


Problem solved.

Hope you enjoyed this one,

- Toussaint