Four Tips To Make Your Business Way More Effective

It is Toussaint Gilbert

Here i’ll be giving 4 quick tips to make your business more effective.

est. 1.75 min read

Youtube Video of The Day

Deep Dive

  1. Know Your Numbers

    In order to scale and have an efficient business you need to actually know your numbers.

    Your numbers define your entire business. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.

    You need to know:

    Profit Margin
    How many leads you need each month to hit your financial targets
    Cost Per Lead
    Closing Rate
    Cost to Acquire a Customer
    Total Marketing Cost

    These are just a few…

  2. Create Lead Magnets

    Lead Magnets are by far the cheapest way to get leads for your target market.

    This will allow you to grow your audience quicker and also drive down the entire Acquisition Cost for your business

  3. Create a Content System

    Having a content system is becoming less of an option and more of a priority in 2024.

    Content systems act as an exponential magnifier to all parts of your business.

    It’s important you create one now and be consistent with it.

  4. Systemize everything and slowly begin outsourcing

    As a business owner your time is extremely scarce.

    There are only a handful of things that will genuinely move your business forward.

    Those are the things you need to focus on.

    Everything else needs to be systemized and delegated.

    Here’s a framework around creating SOPs:

    Task Name

    Task Description

    Insert text here

    Video Description

    Insert text here

    Step By Step Instructions

    Insert text here


    Insert text here


    Insert text here

    Other Important Links & Information

    Insert text here


    Insert text here

    Definition of Done

    Insert text here

    What To Do When Done

    Insert text here

How I Can Help You

If you’re ready to actually make this “online thing” actually work…

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let's jump on a call.

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then click here

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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