Why you have to get rich in your 20's

A new perspective.

Money is a tool to solve problems.

Problems are limits on your mind and potential.

When you solve a real problem and pass down the solution, you contribute to society as a whole

Starting a business is one of the most inspiring things you can do for self growth

You are obligated to get rich in your 20s because money – in today’s world – is a barrier to personal development and self growth.

Higher stages of consciousness and development are impossible to achieve with a brokie mindset.

Without money, you may get trapped in the default lifestyle of going to school, working a job you hate, marrying a spouse you don’t care about, and waking up one day wondering where the time went.

A Superficial pursuit can open the door to real meaning

Launching a business for status and wealth might lead one to discover the intricacies of skills, customer satisfaction, and the mental demands of business management.

Chasing money usually begins superficially.

This isn’t bad.

It may be the only path for you to discover something deeper.

Like weightlifting, you might start to get swole but continue for the therapeutic and stress relieving benefits.

When you discover the power of:

  • Being disciplined on one goal

  • Working towards something meaningful

  • Benefiting others

Life becomes rich and meaningful.

Yes, earning money has its downsides.

All pursuits start materially until they transition into a for mastery and something deeper.

Just like attraction based on appearance, which often precedes a deeper understanding of character.

The issue arises when people avoid diving deeper, only skimming the surface.

They replay past familiarities and anticipated futures.

Every external challenge corresponds with an internal issue that needs resolution.

You're not where you want to be because you haven't solved the key problem unlocking your next level of consciousness.

Spirituality involves transcending the limitations that define you.

Business offers a spiritual journey by presenting new challenges that demand fresh perspectives for navigation.

Causing you to transcend your identity to someone greater to achieve your goals.

Adopting a spiritual perspective helps you see money as an energy source for growth, problem-solving, and evolution.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
