- Toussaint Gilbert
- Posts
- Leverage
It is Toussaint Gilbert
Today we’re going to talk about how to apply leverage into your business to maximize output as quickly as possible.
(est. 2 min read).
Deep Dive
The world is no longer rich versus poor or black versus white
The game is now leveraged versus un-leveraged.
In order to create a fortune, we need leverage.
You will never get rich renting out your time
When you work a job the ratio between time and money is 1:1
If you put 1 hour of work in, you get $15 back. There’s no way around this.
So what we want to do is increase the discrepancy between effort we put in and the outcome we get.
We understand that all business is, is an expression of inputs and outputs.
Now, let’s talk about how to get more out of every single action we take in our business.
In our business we will get the most noticeable outcomes when giving inputs toward our
Acquisition Processes
Sales & Conversion Processes
Delivery Processes
So simply by spending time working on these things, we will get the most return on investment in our business.
But how do we gain leverage on the most important activities?
The three broad classes of leverage are:
Labor ~ Other humans working for you
Money ~ When you make a decision, you multiply it with money.
Code/Media ~ Something that has no marginal cost of replication
These three forms of leverage allow you to maximize your output on your time.
In order to gain leverage on the most leveraged activities, we must apply one of the classes of leverage.
The input of acquisition is attention, the output is a booked appointment.
So we want to apply leverage in the activity of generating attention.
For example, hiring VA’s to do our outreach will apply the use of labor towards acquisition processes.
and spending money on ads allows us to leverage money + code/media towards our acquisition processes..
This is how you gain leverage on the most important tasks in your business and it is the quickest way to bridge the gap between you and your competition.