The Life Delusion: Everything is Hard

Wake up call.

In business, in sports, in chess, and in life…

Everything worth doing is hard.

Here’s a brief summary of what’s happen to me in the last 7 days:

  • Employee stole money from me and disappeared

  • Facebook Ad account got banned in which i was managing over 80+ client accounts

  • I made a new facebook account and they found me and banned that one too

  • Couldn’t run ads to get new clients

  • The first ever worker I hired unfortunately had to resign due to unforeseen circumstances

There’s no point in dwelling over not a single one of these things.

I’m glad they all happened to me because I was able to maneuver around them and still come out on top.

Like always.

So what was the bright side of everything that happened?

  1. Allowed me to weave out the fake people in my company and i’ll most likely get my money back.

  2. Was able to get access to a decent amount of my client’s accounts and as of today I’m officially back in facebook!

  3. We reached out to old leads, went all in on organic platforms, and billed current clients which allowed us to still have a “Win” week in terms of revenue.

  4. It was sad seeing my employee go but now the person who comes in place of her will have strict systems to follow right away which allows us to have better operations as a whole.

On top of that, it’s important to understand that life pushes us to grow through hardship.

If we want to talk about this from a religious standpoint… Why do you think God is called “father” in the church.

In life “Father’s” often teach through hardship.

So when God wants you to grow, he will give you the trials and tribulations which allow you to learn the lesson on your own.

So in all honesty, when you’re life is going terrible - it’s God’s way of saying he loves you.

Every path is difficult.

No matter what you do in life, every path is difficult.

The path to get where you want to be is difficult.

The path on that path is difficult

The path to stay where you are is difficult.

It’s all hard.

What helps me is remembering that your world view changes everything.

When bad things happen, I don’t view them as “bad”

They’re just stepping stones.

In all honesty, when all those things happened to me this week all I did was laugh.

Because I remember the last time I went through a “losing streak” it set me up for the biggest winning streak I’ve ever had in my life.

So, what's your hard going to be?
