I made $4.2k before 6am on a Friday

It’s 8am at the time of me writing this.

3 hours ago I woke up and saw my stripe was already making money for the day.

By 6am I had made $4.2k.

It’s Friday btw…

Here we’re going to talk about how I built a cash flowing business

(est. 2 min read).

Quote of the Day

Deep Dive

I didn’t know I could make $4k before 6am.

Until I did…

And no… I didn’t spam cold outreach and sign a bunch of low ticket clients.

Here’s what I didn’t do:

- Hire 1,000 VA’s
- Spam cold outreach
- Beg people to by my shitty smma retainer service

Here’s what I did do:

- Used a proven system
- Systemized my ability to get attention
- Pitch a high ticket offer that solves all my clients problems.
- Used a pricing structure that allows me to continuously increase the LTV of my clients infinitely.

The first time I used this system it made me $6.5k in 2 weeks.

6 months later I hit my first ever $100k month.

I just opened up 2 slots on my calendar to see if this system can even work in your business.

Only book in if you’re serious about taking your business to the next level


How I Can Help You

If you own an agency or a B2B business and you want the systems, processes, strategies that you need to scale to $100k/mo and beyond, consider working with me.

The main problems I solve are:

1. I will create you an irresistible offer you can charge $3k-$10k for

2. I will help you create 3 new ways of driving traffic

3. It will help you create 10 ways of capturing and nurturing leads

4. It will help you create 3 ways of converting leads into clients

5. I will help you fire yourself from the business so that it’s completely automated.

Book a call and see if it’s a good fit here

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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