Making $11k/mo in 2 weeks (As a complete beginner)

Like no website or nothing.

Imagine starting a business as a complete beginner.

I’m talking brand brand new. No website, no landing page, no offer, no lead gen, nothing.

Then just two weeks later you have $11k in your account.

Pretty nice imagination right?

Well, this is actually Austin’s reality.

He had no idea what offer to use to actually make clients pay upwards of $3k up front,

no idea how to generate leads,

no idea how to book appts,

no idea how to close,

and most importantly no idea how to deliver value.


I broke it all down.

Here’s exactly what he did to make $11k in just 2 weeks as a beginner.

The exact systems,

the structure,

the playbook,

They’re all explained in depth here
