Market Sophistication Levels

Making your company a real asset.

It is Toussaint Gilbert

Today we’re talking about market sophistication levels

est. 3 min read

Deep Dive

So there’s something called Market Sophistication Levels.

Now, this may sound like something unimportant for actually making money online

but it’s extremely important in order for you to understand the correct way to approach your market.

This was created by Eugene Schwartz in Breakthrough Advertising

This basically tells us how advanced our tactics and strategies need to be when approaching a niche.

Now if this doesn’t make sense to you, let me give you an example.

The absolute hardest niches in SMMA have to be:

  • Ecom

  • Solar

  • Real Estate

  • Med Spas

This is due to multiple factors such as:

  • The “saturation” of the markets

  • The requirements of the niche (to get clients, and to get results)

  • The sophistication level of the buyers (due to having been sold many many times before or having advanced product knowledge such as ecom)

So here’s the thing, all those markets listed above have a sophistication of level 5

What does this mean?

This means in order to genuinely win in these markets we need:

  • A stronger guarantee

  • Have case studies

  • Have value driven content online

  • Higher business skillset (marketing, sales, business knowledge)

If we look at a less sophisticated market like HVAC or trade niches that would be at around a level 2 or 3, you won’t many of any of these things above^

NOW, I don’t want you to this this means you should automatically avoid those niches at all because that is completely false.

These niches are sophisticated, saturated, advanced (whatever word you want to call it) for a reason.

When a niche is saturated it isn’t a bad thing, it simply means that a lot of people flocked to that niche,

sold a lot of people in the niche, (which means a lot of people made money)

However, due to poor competence of the businesses owner’s that provided the solution (agency owners)

many people in those markets ended up getting scammed.

So when you try and sell them the same offer/solution that they already bought, they are really hesitant to buy it again.

The saying is “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice can’t put the blame on you.”

Most people aren’t stupid enough to get sold the same solution that burned them last time.

So this simply forces the service provider to get better.

How I Can Help?

Currently doing FREE 1on1 Consultations where i’ll help you with the following:

1. Let me productize your offer and help you build a full solution for your market  
2. Turn it into something tangible that we can build and outline once and repeat for every single customer.
3. For a high ticket price ($5k-$15k+).  
4. We’ll build out your full acquisition system so you can consistently hit the KPIs you need to sign clients effortlessly.
5. We’ll build your backend systems, service delivery, infrastructure, and operations so you can wake up to stripe notifications before breakfast.    

If this sounds interesting -> Find a slot to speak with me here.

The Process:

This will be done on a FREE 1on1 call where I’ll personally identify the gaps in your active/aspiring agency and give you advice & clarity on what you need to do to scale (no courses, no group calls)

- If it makes sense for you and you want to partner together, let’s get started by building out the foundational infrastructure of your company.

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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