Marketing Infrastructure 101

It is Toussaint Gilbert (a.k.a your boy lol)

Today we’re going to talk about how to build a consistent and predictable marketing system in your business

(est. 3 min read).

Youtube Video of The Day

Deep Dive

The first thing we need to understand is the goal of our marketing system.

The aim is to build a marketing infrastructure that creates consistent, predictable flow of qualified leads for your business in a leveraged and automated way.

I know you saw the words “leveraged” and “automated” were put in bold.

That was for a reason…

Your marketing infrastructure should eliminate your need to “hustle” in your business.

Hustling is not cool.

You are a business owner. It is in the word for you to operate in a leveraged fashion, not just buy yourself another 9-5 job.

In order to do this we need something called Omnipresence Marketing

What this does is:

  • Build profitable connections with people at scale

  • Ensures the people that you want to know about you not only see your messages but also convert.

  • Gives value before money even exchanges hands

  • Distributes your knowledge to the right people, at the right place, at the right time.

  • Ensures resonance, relevance, and conversion.

This is going to be done through something I call the Leveraged Consultant Funnel

As you can see the funnel has many things, but if we look closely we see we have 3 different acquisition channels.


Omnipresence is the strategic distribution of your message, brand, and marketing.

When we combine all three acquisition channels we accomplish this effectively.

We know the principle of success is volume negates luck

By combining all three we are achieving infinite volume.

However, what we don’t want to be doing is spamming our audience or annoying them.

We want to always be sending out relevant messages that are of use to our audience.

This allows our audience to feel that:

  • They are always learning something valuable from us

  • They are always seeing the kind of results we deliver

  • They feel more and more connected to us.

Implementing this strategy is allowing not only me to see insane results, but all my inner 1on1 partners as well…

Uros, $16k in contract value in a single day

Row, $5k cash collected from a single client

Keno, $11k in new MRR and 3 deals closed in a single day.

How I Can Help You

If you like this newsletter and want to work with me, then I have an offer for If you’re ready to actually make this “online thing” actually work…

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let's jump on a call.

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let’s talk 

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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