Money isn't real (But how do we get it?)

It’s Sunday and money isn’t real. Wait... it never was???

Youtube Videos of The Week

Deep Dive

It’s Toussaint Gilbert

If I were to tell you that you work hard every single day in exchange for pieces of paper and coins, would you think i’m crazy?

Well…today I want to talk about the subject of money.

A.k.a. The world’s biggest illusion.

Now, the reason I say it’s an illusion is because it’s actually not real.

Things are real.

Value is real.

Exchange is real.

But money is not.

This is for two reasons:

1. It’s just printed by the gov.
2. It’s just numbers on a screen.

But the crazy thing is we give up our time and our life chasing something that is not real.

Because we all we want is this illusionary thing.

This brings me to my first rule, and it is that we should never chase money.

The reason why is if you chase money you will always be a like a hamster on a wheel.

Going round and around chasing an infinite resource (money) for your most finite resource (time)

The reason we do this is because money rules our two most strongest human emotions.

Fear and Greed

If we Lose money; Get fearful and irrational

If we Make money; You get greedy and want more money

Now if you know someone who day trades, they might be able to tell you that it is the psychological battle between these two emotions that prevent them from becoming a millionaire

Example: Every time they make money in the market, they get greedy and want to make more. And every time they lose money they get irrational and fearful which forces them to make poor decisions.

So maybe by now you understand money isn’t actually real.

But that doesn’t change the fact that we all want it.

So what should we do?

If we chase money we will be emotional and that will never get us anywhere since we will just keep going around in the loop like the hamster I showed you above.

This means the best approach is to be logical.

Now, what would a logical person do?

A logical person would create systems and follow the principles that make it so that he can create money whenever he please.

Now this is for business people, not consumers.

And if you don’t currently own a business I recommend you start one and get serious about it as it is the closest thing to “printing money” that you can get to.

This is because you can create a product/service and market and sell it as much as you want, meaning if we disregard things such as “business model” and “scalability” then the only thing in the way of you making as much money as possible is your skills.

Now, let’s talk about the “systems” and “principles” or whatever that we would need to literally create money.

Principles are basically evergreen truths of the universe - pretty much like a law.

For example, The Law Of Cause and Effect

This Law states that for every cause there is an equal and opposite effect.

If we move to the subject of business, we can correlate this to

Inputs → Outputs

This means that for everyone of our inputs there will be an output. This means if we want to get the output of making money, all we have to do is figure out what inputs are needed

Now when we get a greater return on our outputs for the inputs we make, that is called leverage.

That will be a subject for a different day.

But for now, we can simplify our business entirely down to this, inputs and outputs.

This is exactly why I made the Leveraged Consultant Model exactly how I did, because it takes into to account the amount of inputs that make it impossible for someone to not succeed.

Now the first thing we need to do is define our goal and reverse engineer the inputs that will get us there…

Step 1: define what your goal is 

Step 2: define the average value of your client

Step 3: Input your sales conversion rate

  • SCR / Sales conversion rate (% chance of closing a sale if they’re a fit)

  • GFR / Good fit rate (% chance of prospects being a good fit on a call that you can pitch)

  • SUR / Show up rate (% chance of prospects showing up for a call)

Step 4: State Your Appointment Booking Metrics 

  • System name:

  • Appointment booking rate out of 100 people reached:

Step 5: Reverse Engineer The Numbers

  • $ Goal ➗  Client value = Clients required

  • Clients required ➗  SCR = Good fit calls required

  • Good fit calls required ➗  GFR = Show ups required

  • Show ups required ➗  SUR = Bookings required

  • Bookings required ➗  ABR = Outreach volume required

  • Outreach volume required ➗  Days to achieve goal = Daily Activity Required

Note: Always be pessimistic with these numbers

Here’s an example…

Goal = $300,000 in 12 months ($25,000 per month)

Client value = $5,000

SCR = 30%

GFR = 70%

SUR = 75% 

ABR = 2% (cold looms for example)

  1. $300,000 ➗  $5,000 = 60 clients required

  2. 60 ➗ 0.30 = 200 good fit calls required

  3. 200 ➗  0.70 = 285 show ups required

  4. 385 ➗  0.75 = 380 bookings required

  5. 380 ➗  0.02 = 19,047 emails required

12 months = 365 days. - 104 days for weekends - 14 days for holiday = 247 days

  1. 19,047 ➗ 247 = 77 (77 emails per day required)

This means with these metrics all you’d have to do is send 101 emails a day.

101 emails per day to make $300k. Simple. See how it works now?

This is how you turn money into a logical equation and make it impossible for you to fail.

How I Can Help You

If you’re ready to actually make this “agency thing” actually work…

Please allow me to do the following:

1. Let me productize your offer and help you build a full solution for your market  
2. Turn it into something tangible that we can build and outline once and repeat for every single customer.
3. For a high ticket price ($5k-$15k+).  
4. We’ll build out your full acquisition system so you can consistently hit the KPIs you need to sign clients effortlessly.
5. We’ll build your backend systems, infrastructure, and operations so you can wake up to stripe notifications before breakfast.  
6. I only get paid when you make money (Allow me to become your partner).  

If this sounds interesting -> Find a slot to speak with me here.

The Process:

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

- If it makes sense for you and you want to partner together, let’s get started by building out the foundational infrastructure of your company.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
