Outer Circumstances

This past week i’ve been giving a lot of thought to many different things.

When I was broke in 2022, I use to wonder why no matter how hard I tried,

how many times i sacrificed my personal life to try and “make it”,

and how many nights I spent hoping and wishing I could own a successful business

it would never work…

It didn’t make sense.

I thought was doing everything I possibly could.

I bought from coaches

I watched the youtube videos.

I even got the holy Iman Gadzhi Agency Navigator course.

Nothing seemed to work.

I’m here to tell you that although your external reality may not reflect your goals yet, it’s fine.

When you make the conscious decision to change your life, it takes time.

A good amount of time as well.

You must make the decision, then create the correct habits.

It is only after a good substantial amount of time that the universe then begins to bend to the reality you want.

If I could give you one piece of advice though, it would be to stop looking for your external reality to be the determining factor of your happiness.

When I was broke, I thought money was what would make me happy.

And yes, don’t get me wrong, money does add pretty fun experiences to your life.

However, it’s not all you think it is.

The true reward will always be inside yourself.

I know that may be pretty hard to realize and understand when you aren’t making the amount of money you want and are pressured by responsibilities in this world.

But the true reward is always the character you become in the process of achieving your goals.

That’s the only thing that truly matters because it is intrinsic.

You may make a million dollars.

But you also may lose it all after a bit of time.

The only that that stays with you your entire life is your character and the person you choose to become.

That’s what truly matters.


Currently doing FREE 1on1 Consultations where i’ll help you with the following:

1. Productize your offer and help you build a full solution for your market  
2. Turn it into something tangible that we can build and outline once and repeat for every single customer.
3. For a high ticket price ($5k-$15k+).  
4. We’ll build out your full acquisition system so you can consistently hit the KPIs you need to sign clients effortlessly.
5. We’ll build your backend systems, service delivery, infrastructure, and operations so you can wake up to stripe notifications before breakfast.    

If this sounds interesting -> Find a slot to speak with me here.

The Process:

This will be done on a FREE 1on1 call where I’ll personally identify the gaps in your active/aspiring agency and give you advice & clarity on what you need to do to scale (no courses, no group calls)

- If it makes sense for you and you want to partner together, let’s get started by building out the foundational infrastructure of your company.

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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