
the currency exchange for money

I want to start this letter off by saying this is not a corny self help motivation letter.

This is just what is genuinely on my mind today.

Taking a look back on the past 365 days of my life allowed me to understand something.

A lot has happened…

I started my marketing agency in 2022.

A year and a half later I only had a couple hundred dollars in my bank account.

I remember the night I sat down and realized this I had a full mental breakdown.

I don’t think I’ve ever cried that hard in my life honestly.

Struggle is beautiful.

You may be confused

What exactly do I mean?

Well, although sipping champagne on a first class trip to Dubai with my mother next to my side not having to worry about a thing in the world was a surreal feeling.

And the Jet Ski’s, fast cars, beautiful scenes and soft beaches…

There’s no way I would be able to genuinely appreciate and have true love for my experiences if it wasn’t for the hard times.

So i’m writing this letter to whoever’s currently going through hard times.

I know exactly how it feels.

You may have no idea why your business isn’t working and no idea on what you should be doing.

You hate the feeling of not being undeniably successful.

You may even feel like your confused, lost, stuck, and literally everyone is winning except you.

But I want to say that is far from the truth.

Embrace the struggle, as this is your journey.

Because soon, the struggle will all be over.

A lot faster than you think actually as well.

And you may think your path right now is extraordinarily hard and you want to quit, give up, or switch to a new path.

But I have to tell you success isn’t about taking the “easy” path.

It’s meant to be hard.

The “hard” part is what makes this game fun.

Being able to look back at where your life was and know the during your toughest times, you looked the pain dead in the eye and DIDN’T QUIT.

That my friend, is one of the feelings in life that money just can’t buy.

So I say this to say that its undeniable you will be successful.

In fact, it’s only a matter of time.

So appreciate these times you are in as you prepare for the next phase in your life.

There is no light without dark.

No warm without cold.
