How I Plan To Get Ahead Of 99% Of People In 12 Months

Goldfish grow to fit the tank you put them in. But if you keep them in a small bowl, they never grow.

It’s very important that you create a vision of your future.

All of your goals, visions, and aspirations.

But the best way to follow through on your vision is by creating an anti vision.

A.k.a. What you don’t want happening.

In this “anti vision” you should include negative things, something that you despise, things that make you incredibly angry.

Negative energy is very potent. We can use this to our advantage.

How do you create an anti vision?

Sit down for thirty minutes and write down everything you don’t want in life:

  • What do you not want to look like?

  • What do you not want your future to be?

  • What do you not want your day to be like on a day-to-day basis?

This allows your vision to be much clear because it’s just the opposite of these things.

The thing to realize is that your anti vision actually occurring is usually just a result of you doing absolutely nothing with your life.

So just do something.

What fear keeps me going?

The possibility of where I could end up by not taking control of my life is what drives me every single day.

It should drive you as well…

The Three Categories…

There are three categories of Life that I will get ahead of 99% of people in as well as my personal definitions for them.

  1. Personal Development

  2. Physical Development

  3. Business

Personal Development means self mastery

Physical means lifting heavy weights in the gym.

Business means making more money.

My Personal Development

I wrote personal development first because in life you can’t master ANYTHING, unless you master yourself.

My spiritual journey was very important in shaping who I am and the person I will become.

I live my entire life in alignment with my soul, my mind, and my body and am deeply engaged in my entire being.

I don’t disappoint myself because I never break any of my morals or values which allows me to have high self-esteem and self worth.

Going to church consistently is also apart of my spiritual growth as it allows me to feel more connected than ever before.

I spent a lot of time alone which allowed me to truly discover who I am as a person and the type of person I want to be.

My advice to you would be:


Disappear from the things that don’t belong in your life:

  • People

  • Games

  • Bad Habits

I believe whole heartedly that I’m a person that can achieve anything in life that I want.

And that is exactly what I will do.

I don’t bother myself with trying to be “normal” or “fit in” at all.

The life I want to live isn’t normal so why would anything I do be considered normal to the rest of society.

I also read a lot of books my favorites this year that I recommend you read are:

  1. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

  2. Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

  3. Seneca Letters from a Stoic

  4. Pre-suasion By Robert Cialdini

  5. Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss

Although I’ve read easily over 90 books this year, reading new books isn’t how I plan to get ahead of 99% of people.

But rather re-reading these gems.

I have re-read most books on that list and I will just continue to rotate those and maybe a few more that I like.

My Physical Development

There isn’t very much for me to say here.

I’m just going to continue lifting heavy stuff.


My Business Development

Although my entrepreneurial journey and the road of trying to get Advert Logix off the ground was extremely hard…

I don’t want to sound like one of those corny people that say “this year is my year”

But I fully believe I have the right systems, infrastructure and foundations to take my business to the moon in 2024.

But only time will tell…

I’ve shifted from the hard days of working in the business and doing all the hard things myself to hiring A+ talent.

Truly some star on the team.

I had the pleasure of watching my closer on a sales call today and was truly amazed at what selling actually looks like.

And as I grow, I will guarantee and ensure that everyone around me grows.

There’s no better feeling than making sure everyone on your team eats.

~P.S. If you think you would be a valuable addition to Advert Logix, reach out to me with what you do. We’ll be looking for new members in the upcoming weeks and months.~

I learn more and more what it means to be a leader every day.

I don’t lead anybody on my team, everyone on my team does their own role better than I ever could. So they are leaders at what they do.

And here’s the real secret everyone has been waiting for that will allow me to succeed over the 99%.

You ready?

Consistency and Failure.

Yeah, that’s the secret.

I’m just going to continue to the simple and boring stuff day in and day out and I’m also going to throw myself in the deep end allowing myself to fail more than anyone else.

And that’s how i’ll beat everybody.

Last thing, remember to not get caught up in video games or movies as they are just make up scenes of real life.

Your life is already a game and a movie.

Why not play in the real thing?

Hope you enjoyed this one,
