• Toussaint Gilbert
  • Posts
  • The Rise of "Fake Gurus"(How influencers make MILLIONS at the expense of your wallet).

The Rise of "Fake Gurus"(How influencers make MILLIONS at the expense of your wallet).

The Internet Gurus lied to you, here’s how…

The Internet Gurus lied to you, here’s how…

On September 15th, 2015, Tai Lopez released his infamous ‘Knowledge’ Youtube Ad.

Look familiar?

Way before Iman Gadzhi, Luke Belmar, and Grant Cardone

This is the guy who paved the way for what we call “Internet Online Gurus”

At first this wave of online creator’s seems completely harmless, but some of these “Gurus” are earning millions and millions of dollars simply by selling you a dream.

Dan Lok

Estimated Net worth: $120 Million

Sam Ovens

Estimated Net worth: $10 Million

Iman Gadzhi

Estimated Net worth: $30 Million

They sold you a dream.

Showcased their lifestyle and made you think you could make a simple $10k/month off of one skill or start a business and gain financial freedom.

But then you realize they’re not really trying to teach you anything…

Their Main Goal: Keep you hooked on their products.

Here’s how they get you:


The main way this industry of gurus cash in is that they target a vulnerable audience.

The most vulnerable people are those who are:

  • Struggling financially

  • Having relationship problems

  • Suffering from a disease

  • Searching for answers

These viewers seem to serve you ‘answers’ in such a simple, yet idealistic way.

When you’re vulnerable or desperate, critical thinking becomes dull.

So when you’re presented with this ‘secret’ that promises to change your life with the most minimum effort: The bait becomes set.

Here are the lies they sell you:

1) Don’t Work A 9-5

It doesn’t matter who you are, getting job experience is necessary.

Reasons for getting a job:

  • Stable income; As an entrepreneur none of your income is guaranteed.

  • Generate cash to pursue your entrepreneur dreams

  • Developing basic skills

  • Networking

The best thing you can do is take a job in the future industry you want to own a business in.

This way you can easily learn the in’s and out’s of a successful business and then apply them in the future.

If your long-term goal is to become an entrepreneur it is essential that you find a way to learn and develop the skills necessary to succeed.

The reason it took me more than half a year before find any ounce of success with my business is because I jumped in before having any sort of developed skillset.

2) Business Models Are Dead

Gurus are constantly telling you that business models are dead.

They say this and exaggerate that there is no money to be made in a certain sector just to get you to invest in their new course, program, or idea.

Drop shipping is dead.

Social Media Marketing is dead.

Affiliate Marketing is dead.

Youtube is dead.

Is this true? Why don’t we look at the numbers.

Expected to reach half a trillion in the next 3 years.

The fact of the matter is these business models are very much alive, you just need to find out how to create a unique value proposition in these markets.

3) You Can Start A Business With $0

Yes it is possible to start with low capital, but even then it will cost you a few thousand dollars to start a real business.

Consider factors such as:

  • Licenses and Permits

  • Equipment

  • Domains

  • Inventory

  • Branding & Marketing

  • Software

  • Working capital

Yes you can bypass some of these things but remember:

The smaller the cost of entry, the higher the competition.

4) Make $10k/Month With No Experience.

Statistically, this is impossible.

Sure, a few people have done this, but due to the lack of experience they almost surely end with a failed business.

When you’re just starting you don’t have the necessary experience to be successful right away.

When they sell you this dream they are also trying to rob you of the most fulfilling part of business.

Consistent failure until you figure it out and all your hard work and dedication finally pays off.

Some people may start a new business and go from $0 to $100k in 30 days but they often leave out the years of sacrifice and experience they have.

5) Drop Out Of School

This is controversial and depends on the specific person, but despite contrary belief, some majors can actually teach valuable stuff.

Most CEO’s such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have degrees and have attended prestiges universities.

Moreover, the challenges and sacrifices of entrepreneurship are very much real and most will not be able to make it to their glorified pay-day.

This is why having a degree incase of worst case scenario will be a life saver down the road.

Remember, when starting a business it is important to look for a problem that people have and then come up with a solution rather than finding a solution and trying to create demand.

Think outside of the box.

Hope you enjoyed.

- Toussaint.