• Toussaint Gilbert
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  • Standard SMMAs aren’t cutting it anymore | Become a Leveraged Consultant

Standard SMMAs aren’t cutting it anymore | Become a Leveraged Consultant

In the past 2 years, I've grown my agency from literal zero to over 6 figures in a single month.

Getting to this point was anything but a smooth, straight line.

There were so many times I felt like throwing in the towel and walking away.

It literally didn’t make any sense how so many people online were making tens of thousands of dollars every single month and I couldn’t even sign clients consistently.

Here, I'm going to walk you through exactly what it was that changed the game for me and finally allowed me to have a successful business.

This is my blueprint for what I believe is the most direct path to life-changing wealth through online business.

The dream scenario for every agency owner is having multiple high-paying clients on that are happy working with you.

But in order to achieve that dream scenario, you need to be good at generating strong results for your clients.

No one is going to continue paying you if they aren’t seeing any ROI or return on investment.

Even though I found this out the hard way, I’m glad I did early, otherwise I don’t know where I’d be right now.

When I first got into SMMA, I was doing the super standard smma model where you only run a single service and try to run your business that way.

My single service was paid facebook ads.

The issue with this model is that it’s not only extremely saturated, but actually getting results for clients is LITERALLY impossible.

That’s why you see a lot of burnt out agency owners that give up after a few months.

I even tried paid google ads, turns out that wasn’t even the issue.

When I switched my agency to a Leveraged Consultant Model rather than doing what everyone else was doing, the way I saw working with clients completely shifted.

Because of this, I was able to give my clients insane results which soon led to me making a little over 6 figures in a single month.

Getting terrible results for my clients so i couldn’t keep them for long

and it was so hard to get new clients so I had to lower my prices and work longer.

It even got so bad that I had to price my service at $350/month, and that’s LOW.

That’s almost $10 a day.

Of course I wanted to change this.

I had a huge mental reframe last year and it changed literally everything for me.

And this first thing is something that is by far the most important yet ALWAYS overlooked.

You see, running your agency the old way wasn’t good enough anymore,

The competition and the market have leveled up, that’s why we need something new.

By far the biggest differential between traditional agencies and Leveraged Consultancy’ is how you present yourself to the market.

The ONLY reason successful businesses are IN business is because of something called a Unique Value Proposition.

Unique Selling Proposition: A unique selling proposition (USP) refers to the unique benefit exhibited by a company, service, product or brand that enables it to stand out from competitors.

Let’s take a look at the most valuable companies in the world and understand this clearly:

Apple: Apple's design philosophy is centered around simplicity, elegance, and functionality.

Amazon: Anything, anywhere, anytime.

Netflix: Watch what you want, when you want.

Think logically, why the hell would anybody buy from you if they can literally get the SAME exact shit EVERYWHERE they look.

I wondered why I was struggling, but there was LITERALLY no reason at all for anybody to buy from me instead of the THOUSANDS of agency owners doing the EXACT same thing.

So i developed a USP by copying Alex Hormozi, here’s how.

Alex Hormozi understood with GymLaunch that Gym’s were struggling and the only way for

him to help Gym’s achieve real success AND charge extremely high prices was by solving the full gap for his clients, what does that mean?

Here is Alex Hormozi’s step by step solution he invented for Gym Owner’s which allowed him to charge $16,000 per client and exit GymLaunch for $47 Million dollars:

Side note: In my next video I’ll be breaking down all of his mechanisms in full depth.

For now, here is the basic overview of what he was doing.

As you can see, every problem his ideal client could possibly face, he built a solution for.

So you have two models:

The Coaching Model: Get’s you rich

The Agency Model: Keeps you rich

The coaching model is using information to solve problems for your clients.

Information can include:

  • protocols

  • SOPs

  • Frameworks

  • Weekly meetings

The Agency model uses implementation to solve problems for your clients:

  • Implementing Appt Setters

  • Implementing Growth Systems/Infrastructures

  • Implementing Paid Ads

  • Implementing Content Systems

Hormozi gave his information in the form of SOPs, protocols, and frameworks as well as implementation for his clients.

To stand out in todays market you need to use both of these models in order to create a full solution for your clients.

What is a full solution?

A full solution is understanding the gap between where your client is currently and then solving each problem in order to get them to their desired state.

This is what allows you to charge high ticket and allows prospects to say yes easier.

Here’s how I was doing it before:

Here’s how you should be doing it:

As you can see there are multiple things standing in the way from your client truly achieving the result they want.

Your job is to build a solution mechanism for each problem standing in their way and then present it to the client as a full solution.

This is apart of something I call Leveraged Consulting and the thing is it’s not even new.

This is exactly what all the top guys are doing but they aren’t telling you.

Top guys such as:

  • Cole Gordon

  • Kai Baxx

  • Jordan Platten

So if by now you’re still unsure whether or not you wanna continue down the traditional agency path or become a Leveraged Consultant I honestly don’t know what to tell you.

At this point you are better off just staying broke and getting a 9-5 job.

The market is way too advanced for you to continue doing what worked in 2016.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
