Your Only Super Power: How To Regain Your Focus

How to lock in.

Focus is a deadly skill to develop.

Not only is it the one thing that can fast track your success rate by 100 miles per hour, but it’s so deadly because no one knows how to do it.

The first principle of Life is competition, and since you’re competing with people you need to be able to understand your competition and how to get a huge advantage over them.

This advantage is focus.

No one knows how to do it.

No one knows how to just sit down and work.

You can’t:

  • Use the bathroom without taking your phone

  • Go to the gym without checking your phone every set.

  • Read a book.

We have lost the ability to concentrate.

If you can regain the skill it will open many doors for your life and allow you to make a lot of money.

Focus is what will allow you to have the life you want and achieve financial freedom.

What is focus?

Focus is not being distracted.

Instead of trying to learn how to just concentrate and be honed in on something.

Try to learn how to eliminate distractions.

The Reality of “Work”

The thing about “work” is everyone always talks about how much they worked in terms of quantity.

“I worked 10 hours”

“I worked 1000 hours”

“I work 7 days a week”

The truth is this doesn’t really matter.

Let’s say we’re both given a book to read for an hour and in that hour you read 20 pages while I read 40 pages.

In this case, I've done twice as much work; however, we've both only worked for an hour.

Here’s the breakdown of a 24 hour day:

  • 8 hours sleep

  • 6 hours socialization and human activities (to stay normal)

  • 10 hrs focus work.

The last 10 hours is what determines the quality of your life.

These 10 hours are to work on a business (to make money).

We are competing with people and it is impossible to compete on time.

You can not get more time.

You can only prioritize the time you’ve been given.

Here are 3 things you can do.

1. Awareness

Focus is the simple art of not being distracted.

You need to become aware of your thoughts as they are what lead to your actions.

This will also allow you to focus on your:

Internal Stimuli ~ Internal distractions

External Stimuli ~ External distractions.

You need to become aware of what is distracting you and preventing you from becoming rich and successful.

If you can understand exactly what things consistently and remember them then you can avoid them when they come again.

2. Diet

Diet is simple, it all revolves around carbs.

Intermittent fasting improves your focus.

The less food (carbs) you eat the more you can focus during your time.

During your 10 hours working, you want to avoid carbohydrates.

Reason why? They require a lot of energy to digest which gets taken away from your focus.

So what foods do we have to avoid mid day?

  • bread

  • rice

  • pasta

  • sweet potato

  • potato

  • sugar

  • fruit

  • milk

  • sweet foods

Your body will spend more energy burning the carbs than it gets from the carbs.

These foods should be eaten after you’ve finished work.

3. Morning

Our brains operate on wave lengths.

For example, focus is a calm smooth wavelength.

On the other had, scrolling through social media, playing video games, and listening to loud music will put your brain in a chaotic wavelength.

Depending on the wavelength you’re at will depend how your thoughts, behavior, and actions manifest.

If you’re in a calm state you’ll feel resistance if you try to go to a chaotic state.

And vise versa.

So what am i saying?

What you do before your work has a very big impact on you.

If the first thing you do when you wake up is:

  • Scroll through your phone

  • Go on instagram and watch reels

  • Reply to a bunch of messages

  • Listen to loud music

What happens here is you’re stimulating your brain.

A lot.

This effects you through your entire day.

By doing these things in the morning you have just pretty much ruined your entire day.

Performing these three things will allow you to perform on a level next to David Goggins himself.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
