Systems Thinking: How Billionaires Think

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How do successful people think?

Today we’re going to talk about the reason why some people seem to just make successful decisions time and time again.

What separates them?

Why are they different?

How can they see things that other people can’t?

What goes on in their brain?

After studying multiple successful people, I figured out that all successful people no matter what field they are in, think in systems.

What that means is they view everything as a system.

How they view and visualize things in their mind are in terms of interconnected systems.

What is systems thinking?

It doesn’t matter where you look in the world, the world is full of systems.

Proof of claim:

Solar system: A bunch of planets rotating around each other, moving and trying to balance.

Within the solar system we have earth.

Inside of earth we have the “ecosystem”

This is what we all live in.

There are trees to produce oxygen,

in order to produce oxygen they need water which comes from rain and clouds,

the sun heats the earth,

the water evaporates,

rises up, forms clouds and rain drops down,


If we go further into this and go into society we have

- Social systems

Such as social norms, how we interact with each other and operate in the fields of other humans.

- Legal systems

How fast we can drive on the highways, what we can do and what we can’t do.

Everything is a system.

Systems thinking in business

Business is a system

  • Accounting systems to figure out if your making a profit or a loss

  • Marketing systems to figure out if your getting enough attention

  • Sales systems to ensure you’re closing enough deals

The problem begins when people don’t understand that every single system is interconnected.

For example…

Let’s say someone builds a website/landing page with an opt-in form.

And the opt-in form only has a 2% conversion rate.

They then make changes to landing page and get it to 10%.

This is what component thinkers do, not system thinkers.

A system thinker would look at the health of the whole machine.

Instead of thinking about the landing page, they would think about the entire system.

What’s the end goal of making changes to their landing page?

Getting a customer, cost per acquisition, and return on investment.

When a systems thinker makes changes to their landing page they aren’t worried about the landing page conversion rate but the change to the cost per acquisition and ROI.

The problem is that the component thinker may have raised his conversion rate to 10% but at the same time hurt the sales departments ability to close deals.

How does a system work?

When you ask how does a system work, you ask how does the world work.

Everything in the world works like this.

It’s pretty simple.

You have:

  • Inputs ~ What you put into a system

  • Processes ~ What happens with your input's when you manipulate, combine and change them

  • Outputs ~ The results of your manipulations and changes

But then you have something that influences every system, The Environment.

These are external factors that have an effect on how ever system works.

For example, if you’re trying to get a lot of work done but you drank 10 tequila shots last night you don’t put your body in a good environment to be successful.

We also have feedback.

For example, if 100,000 people put their money into bitcoin and all of the sudden it starts rising, then more and more people will continue to put money into the coin as a result of it continuing to go up.

So, the bottom line is you don’t have to be the next Einstein or nasa scientist to be successful in business.

All you have to do is think about inputs, outputs, processes, feedback, and environment.

Do you want to get a lot of clients?

Well let’s look at your marketing and make sure you’re getting enough attention on your business so that enough people know who you are first.

Do you want to close a lot of deals?

Well let’s look at you’re sales systems and see your customer’s exact journey through your pipeline and make sure everything is smooth.

Are you struggling to get good results for your clients?

Well let’s look at your fulfillment systems and how you design your backend to produce a consistent and desired result.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
