The Principles of Marketing

It is Toussaint Gilbert

Today i’m here to give you the principles, strategies and tactics that we’ve tested on myself and dozens of partner I work with

est. 1 min read

Deep Dive

When it comes to acquisition, the “make or break” factor on whether or not an acquisition strategy works is going to be it’s ability to gain trust quickly and efficiently.

When sending cold outreach messages there is a big barrier of trust that is present since you are reaching out to cold strangers that have no prior history or relationship with you.

In any given market we can typically find our entire niche split into these three buckets:

Understanding these buckets allows my clients to get results like this:f

The name of the game is staying top of mind with the correct messaging.

This can only be accomplished my utilizing the 5 core principles:

Accomplishing the 5 core principles allows our audience to feel like everywhere they look, they end up seeing us.

They feel that:

  • They are always learning something

  • Alway seeing the kind of results you deliver

  • Always feeling more and more connecting to you

When you implement this strategy you will be genuinely surprised by how much easier it is to make sales…

Also, shout out to Austin who partnered with us 2 weeks ago, launched ads last week, and already signed his first client.

This is what happens when you optimize for speed.

How I can help

Allow me to do the following:

1. Let me productize your offer and help you build a full solution for your market  
2. Turn it into something tangible that we can build and outline once and repeat for every single customer.
3. For a high ticket price ($5k-$15k+).  
4. We’ll build out your full acquisition system so you can consistently hit the KPIs you need to sign clients effortlessly.
5. We’ll build your backend systems, infrastructure, and operations so you can wake up to stripe notifications before breakfast.  
6. I only get paid when you make money (Allow me to become your partner).  

If this sounds interesting -> Find a slot to speak with me here.

The Process:

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

- If it makes sense for you and you want to partner together, let’s get started by building out the foundational infrastructure of your company.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
