This makes no sense...

I was in debt for 17 months, but 16 y/o on the internet are getting rich in 30 days?

It is Toussaint Gilbert

(est. 2 min read).

Deep Dive

Due to the recent rise of my 1on1 partners succeeding, I decided to take a step back and truly think about the reasoning for this success and what variables cause it.

I believe I have landed on an answer that makes the most sense…

I’m sure there’s been a point in time where we didn’t know what to do.

We had a goal, something we wanted. But we were genuinely perplexed on how tf to get there.

That was me in 2022.

I was broke, I couldn’t afford to get new clothes for school, I couldn’t eat out. ever. And I was stuck doing work I hated just to make a bit of money that disappeared quicker than it came.

All I knew was I needed to figure out how to make money online.

Now, I wasn’t an “idiot” but I didn’t know a thing about how to make money online.

It ended up taking me 17 months to sign my first profitable client.

When I say it out loud it makes me feel beyond idiotic.


45 days ago Esteban decided to partner with me to start and grow his social media marketing agency.

He was starting from absolute scratch with nothing to his name.

Not even a website.

2 Weeks ago he signed a $3k deal

1 week later he closed another brick & mortar business.

Did I mention he’s 16 years old?

Row signed a $5k PIF only a week after launching ads

Rosu made $8k in cc and $16k in contract revenue only 3 weeks after us partnering together

Keno added $11k in mrr

Val made $7k from one deal

6 deals in 2 weeks, almost at $40k/mo

1.5k deals

3 sales in a day

When I sat down to conceptualize it, I realized this is far from normal.

It took me 17 whole months of pain to finally see what Esteban is seeing just after 45 days.

All it took was 45 days to find himself in a completely new reality.

But when I was starting out I was lost, I had no idea the day to day tasks that would take me to my goal.

Everyone of my partners has a daily calendar with exactly what to do

every single day

for 120 days.

In that case, yes.

Yes, it does make sense why most people are seeing success faster than me.

He didn’t question the process, the methodology, the frameworks, nothing.

He just did the work, and he did it fast.

He even posted his first youtube video 3 weeks ago.

This made me realize that most of us know what to do, but we end up questioning the process and that’s when we get lost.

But someone like Esteban is too new to the space that he didn’t even have the prior knowledge to question himself or the process.

All he did was follow our day by day guide until he struck gold.

How I Can Help You

If you’re ready to actually make this “agency thing” actually work…

Please allow me to do the following:

1. Let me productize your offer and help you build a full solution for your market  
2. Turn it into something tangible that we can build and outline once and repeat for every single customer.
3. For a high ticket price ($5k-$15k+).  
4. We’ll build out your full acquisition system so you can consistently hit the KPIs you need to sign clients effortlessly.
5. We’ll build your backend systems, infrastructure, and operations so you can wake up to stripe notifications before breakfast.  
6. I only get paid when you make money (Allow me to become your partner).  

If this sounds interesting -> Find a slot to speak with me here.

The Process:

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

- If it makes sense for you and you want to partner together, let’s get started by building out the foundational infrastructure of your company.

Hope you enjoyed this one,


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