How To Train Your Mind To Become A Millionaire


It doesn’t matter where your life currently is.

It doesn’t matter how much stress or anxiety you have.

It doesn’t matter if you have something or if you don’t.

Two years ago I used to skip lunch to go upstairs in a corner of my school to send cold emails to business owners.

Now I make $5-10k per day.

Here is exactly what worked on my journey towards self-actualization.

We are who we are

We are who we are and we cannot change.

Your identity is the strongest force in the world.

Identity is stronger than biology when it comes to commanding the body.

What does this mean?

Who you think you are and who you believe you are (your self image) determines what you get in life.

Everything is a by-product of your identity.



  • anger

  • shame

  • suffering

  • guilt

Everything. Comes from your identity.


In order for us to operate effectively in the world, we must have an identity.

To not have an identity would basically be like floating in an ocean by yourself.

Identity provides us with structure.

The problem is many people choose the wrong identity.

The sense of self you currently have isn’t the one that gives you the successful life you want.

If you consider yourself to be an every day joe, who smokes weed and parties on the weekend…

Then your life will attract exactly what you are.

Nothing of substance.

How Do I Change?

First you need to understand that everything in life is a simple cause and effect.

For good to exist, bad must exist.

For success to exist, failure must happen.

What is a knight without a dragon?

What is a hero without a villain?

What is order without chaos?

A knight would just be a man.

A dragon is just chaos.

In order for the man to become the knight, he must let go of his identity of “man” and battle the “chaos”.

By battling with the chaos and defeating it, he becomes something else.

You must do the same.

Whatever you want in life:

  • A goal

  • An outcome

  • A dream

Is just a state of reality that can be manifested.

In order for you to manifest it, you must become “him”.

The man who can achieve the goal.

For example, let’s say your goal is to become a millionaire.

So how do you become a millionaire?

By becoming the kind of person that can make a million dollars.

You don’t go after the money, you go after the character.

By becoming the kind of person who can make the money, you will.

Hope you enjoyed this one,
