- Toussaint Gilbert
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- Trust me, you don't want more money ~ Toussaint
Trust me, you don't want more money ~ Toussaint
But if you do, here's exactly how to do it.
I feel we all get boggled down into the problem of wanting more money.
In reality, obtaining money is just giving and satisfying the most amount of people possible.
And it doesn’t matter what way you make your money, you could be a:
- Salon Owner
- Agency Owner
- Copywriter
- Freelancer
- Anything your heart desires
If you didn’t get my point… there’s an unlimited amount of ways to make money.
It really just boggles down to human psychology and getting people to say yes to you.
Here’s my list of books that if you read them thoroughly, front-to-end, will undoubtedly make you successful in any endeavor that you choose.
Note: You should read them in this exact order to become successful.
Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
this book is the holy grail to achieving the life you want, exactly how you want it.
This book is 600 pages and I’ll be re-reading this book at least 10 times this year.
If you read this. I guarantee it will change your life.
If it doesn’t you can come back and have a conversation with me.Evolutionary Psychology by David M. Buss
Life is all about working with people, together.
Read this book front to end and you’ll understand the root cause that drives people’s every remote action.How to win friends and influence people.
I know. Read it again.Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Suby
This book is your full guide to becoming rich off the internet. No BS.
The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer's mindset as well as “customer journey” when building your sales funnels.
This book also teaches you how to boost your sales on the back end by giving more on the front end.
Good read.
I’ve just given you the books you need to fulfill your financial desires for the rest of your life.
Your welcome,