The Truth About Money

Hate to say it...

Here’s the truth about motivation,

it doesn’t work.

One thing I will tell you is when you’re starting at $0 trying to make your first $10k, $20k, or even $50k a month

You’ll definitely get there.

You’ll have all the motivation in the world.

When starting out, it’s easy to have money as your motivation because you don’t have any.

And as humans we all desire what we can’t/don’t have.

But what happens when you actually get all that money you’ve been wanting?

What’s next?

This was a harsh reality I had faced as well.

The truth is when you don’t have money you put it on a complete pedestal.

You think,

“If I had money none of this would happen”

“If I had money I would get that girl”

“If I had that car, everyone who did me wrong in my life would understand im better than them”


When you finally get the money you’ve been wanting, you realize life doesn’t work this way.

Money isn’t actually as important as you think

It just isn’t at all

The only reason money is somewhat important is because it satisfies your immediate wants and needs.

Right now im at the point where I can eat whatever I want whenever I want, travel whenever I want to wherever I want, and I could even buy myself some pretty nice houses/cars.

But I have realized none of this stuff is truly what’s important.

Even if I were to buy a lambo today,

By tomorrow the excitement and adrenal would be gone.

And that’s the hard core truth.

If you’re just chasing the money, you will eventually stop working.

However, you need to chase something deeper than that

You need purpose.

That’s what will keep you going in life.

I currently have 3 layers of purpose

The first and most immediate one i’d like to accomplish within the next 10 years is to Build and deliver an evergreen set of systems that online entrepreneurs can install and use to create a high ticket offer and reliably grow their business to achieve their personal goals.

This is the only reason I even work anymore, if I wanted money I would have stopped a long time ago.

Hope you enjoyed this one,