Understanding Business Metrics

Knowing these numbers makes you rich

It is Toussaint Gilbert

Today we’re going to talk about the exact metrics you need to know to achieve any monetary goal in your business.

Whether its $10k, $20k, $50k, or even $100k per month and beyond, this will allow you to hit that goal

est. 3 min read

Quote of the Day

Deep Dive

The first metric you need to know in order to achieve your goal is your CPL.

This is how much it costs you to get a lead, let me explain why…

This isn’t simply talking about running ads and looking at your cost per lead.

This is for any acquisition channel you use.

You need to understand exactly:

  1. How many emails it takes you to get a lead

  2. How many organic posts it takes you to get a lead

  3. How many dollars in ad spend it takes you to get a lead.

This metric is very important as it will allow us to build a system to achieve any goal we want.

Lead to Call %

This simply means how many leads does it take us to get a booked call with someone we can potentially close on our service

Show Rate

From the people that book a call with us, how many of them actually show up?

This number is our show rate.

Close Rate

Out of all the people that actually show up and have a conversation with us

How many do we close?

This is our closing percentage.

Now that we have all these numbers, we can define a goal and achieve it.

Let’s say we want to hit $50k per month while selling a $3k offer

All we would figure out is how many leads we need to get to achieve this goal.

If we get:

  • 1500 leads in a month

  • 90 people book a call

  • 68 Show up

  • We then close 17 people that show up (which is only 25%)

Then congrats, we just made $51,000

The goal of this email was to show you how to detach your emotions from business and think logically to achieve any goal you want.

Hope this helped.

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I'm currently doing free 1on1 calls where i’ll design your full business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let's jump on a call.


Hope you enjoyed this one,


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