Utilizing Consumer Choice Theory

To make a lot of money...

It is Toussaint Gilbert

Happy Friday brothas and sistas 🥳

Today we’re going to talk about how to utilize consumer choice theory to make a lot of money online.

(est. 3 min read).

Youtube Video of The Day

Deep Dive

If we’re going to leverage consumer choice theory we first need to understand what it is…

Consumer choice theory tells us how a buyer makes a purchasing decision based on how they perceive the value of your product/service.

Basically… A consumer will pay more for something if it has more value to their current, specific situation.

How does this work?

Contrary to what most people believe, our business is NOT selling a service or system that we build for clients.

We are selling the solutions to their problems.

We are positioning our business as the bridge between our clients current situation and where they want to go.


Consumers are always thinking of the utility of our solutions

Utility means the usefulness and value that a certain solution brings them.

For example, we may identify multiple problems standing in the way of our client achieving their ideal outcome.

We then build multiple solutions to those problems.

However, certain solutions we’re offering may be more valuable to a specific client than the other solutions we offer.

For example, a client may come to us with a terrible sales system, and no real acquisition infrastructure.

Based on this, we can see this client needs more help with lead gen, appt booking, and sales rather than offer creation and talent sourcing.

Since we have these mechanisms in our offer, our client is still likely to buy our entire solution even though they only need help with 3 things.

It is best to solve the full gap for your client as certain aspects of your solution may be more valuable than others.

And one aspect may be just enough for them to purchase.

If you add up the marginal value of each solution, you will then get the total value your solution provides.

Our goal is to make the total value of our solution more than the price we ask.

This makes the purchasing decision a no brainer for our clients.

No one will ever buy from you if the price is more than the value they receive.

We want to make our high ticket price look insignificant when compared to the value we deliver.

When you deliver more value than the price you ask, your bank account will reflect it:

How I Can Help You

If you’re ready to actually make this “online thing” actually work…

I'm currently doing walkthrough & implementation calls where i’ll design your 120 day business roadmap and show you how to implement the system that personally scaled me to $106k/mo

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let's jump on a call.

If you're curious to see if this would be a good fit, and have some spare time to give me then let’s talk


Hope you enjoyed this one,


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